Introducing X Pay

The most secure way to send real estate payments in the world.

Securely send money with X Pay

Access X Pay
Sign in to X Pay using your EXR account. You can also sign in with an authenticated identity provider such as Facebook or Google.
Choose an address
Select the address and the licensed associate that you're working with along with the terms you've discussed. All your information is kept confidential.
Choose how you are paying
We accept every major debit and credit card along with Apple Pay, Android Pay, and direct transfers from most banking institutions. Your payment info is not stored on our servers.

The web's most secure way to pay for real estate transactions.

Protecting your information is our top concern. Our state-of-the-art payments network pairs time-tested security with best practices.
Trusted around the world
SSL Secured
256 Bit AES Encryption
PCI SAQ Compliant
256 bit encryption
North 6th Street, Williamsburg

More ways to pay than anyone else.

Say goodbye to cashier's checks, money orders, and cash.
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Credit and Debit Cards
We accept all major debit and credit cards.
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Bank Transfers
We're connected to thousands of financials institutions.
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Mobile Payments
Easily pay through your Apple or Android device.